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Google Classroom Observation

This is a summary of a Google Classroom observation of Jonathan Webster's Classroom who teaches Chemistry, Physics, and AP Physics in a STEM program called CSMTech.

As part of my project research, I observed Jonathan Webster's google classroom and use of google sites in a formative assessment approach.

His project was to have students create a digital portfolio of their learning of the concepts taught in the first semester of physics. Most of the students used google sites and one of them used Wix. They built a website and added quizzes, concepts learned, solved problems, screencasts they made, videos and other resources from their semester learning.

This in my opinion is a great way to showcase students' learning and allow peer-to-peer review of work. Some of the students concepts posted on the sites such as quizzes etc allowed comments underneath for peers to make inputs.

On some of the sites, students used topics learned in class as menu items e.g. Kinematics, Forces, Newton's law etc. and on the pages under these menu items presented the videos, screencasts, snap shots of equations etc that they learned in the classroom.

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